Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Hope of Tolerance

With the problems we are facing in America today. People are still squabbling over trivial things. In this day and age you would think we could see past the differences of one another, and see the similarities. This country was founded on freedom and diversity. Most everyone that is here originated from somewhere else. With different religions, colors, races, and languages. The one thing they all had in common was the hope. The hope of a life free of tyranny, and despair. A hope for a life, free to pursue their beliefs without ridicule. A hope that their children and their grandchildren would build a country of complacence, and tolerance. Yes we have made many strides in accomplishing this, however we still have far to travel for success. It is far to long our country has been dictated by the beliefs of a few. It is related in our laws and in our policies. The freedom of choice was given to everyone by the book so many dictate their lives with. Yet those same people ignore that fact when the choice of another is not one that they share. A person should be free to live their life on their own terms, as long as it does not harm anyone else. Religion is a personal belief, and should not dictate the lives of the whole. The Constitution states "The freedom of religion" that is all, not "The freedom of one Religion". That is why there is another law "Separation of Church and State". Yet most of our Laws are based on the one Religion. If Religion is going to recognized in our laws. Then all religions should be recognized. That is the point of the Constitution, so that the entire Nation has a voice. However too few of us have the courage to use that voice. The point I am trying to make is "some of us might be different, but we are all the same". Don't let petty differences destroy our nation. Don't let paranoia and fear run your life. Don't let bigotry and hatred blind you to the facts. Try to follow the fact that all life is precious, and everyone is in it together. Treat people with the thought that they to have the right to live in peace. No matter what they look like, sound like, or what their beliefs are. They say other counties dislike us for our freedom. Maybe it's because we don't give them the freedom to follow their own beliefs, and try to force ours on them.

Monday, October 27, 2008

This was sent to me by email

I want to personally invite you to join with me and other Californians to defeat the out-of-state forces who are funding Proposition 8 - an effort to write discrimination into our Constitution. By saying I DO, we will band together to preserve marriage equality on November 4th.


It's called I DO! -- a brand new online voter mobilization event.


FIRST: You invite everyone you know to join and put a face to this cause and to promise to vote NO on 8 on November 4th.

THEN: Your friends, family and colleagues invite everyone they know, and so on, and so on. By November 4th, at least a million Californians vow to vote NO on 8, and to ensure their friends and family do the same.

All Californians deserve the freedom to marry. It's going to be a close vote, but if we all do our part, we will be victorious!

Please follow this link to say I DO!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vote Obama? Vote McCain? Vote at All? VOTE! NOVEMBER 4th

N's Blog Regarding Prop 8

I'm N, and I am also absolutely against prop 8. It's simply a matter of a bunch of busybodies trying to control the lives of those they don't approve of. "Live & let live."

As for moe, we probably will get out as soon as we get our grade for it. Also, whose rule is that about marriage being only for heterosexuals? If you are quoting someone, you should at least say who.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What about Prop 8 - Tell us GAB Girls!

Welcome to our blogspot. You have entered the world of GAB-Girls, or Girls Against Blogging. Let me introduce you to US.

First we have Y. Y is against blogging AND AGAINST PROP 8! - Because every individual has a right to equality. Just like Blacks and Women who once didn't have the right to vote now can and they should because we should all be equal and have equal rights.

Next we have N - N is also against blogging and I am not sure which way N will vote on Prop 8, but I am sure she will be signing in soon and and telling us what she thinks

Last in the group is d. d is also against blogging and is totally against Prop 8 for the same reasons Y is. First of all, it is no ones business who is married to whom and d has no idea how this could possibly affect anyone else other than those who will be involved. Plus.. think of how much work the courts will have with all the divorces that will take place. Just like heterosexual couples, homosexuals will surely be visiting the divorce courts. The divorce lawyers will have their hands full too. This is job security folks.

YN and D ask you all to chime in. It is for a good cause. We are in a class where we are forced to blog and what better topic than Prop 8. That oughta still some folks up a bit!

Don't hold back! Say what you want, just say it!!! We need your help to break the public sphere!

Thank you so much for your help.